Monday, June 21, 2010

On the Road with Chris P.

Sometimes we go away for a weekend for a vacation or a work-related event, but the food that is offered is less than ideal. With a little preparation, you can do pretty well in a pinch. Check out the video for what I did on a recent trip to Pittsburgh.

-What do you do in a pinch?
-Any tips or tricks for those on the road?


  1. what would a trip be with out a chicken? I was expecting to see JZ jump out from under the table.

  2. I love chopping up a bunch of my favorite veggies on a Sunday after I have done my produce shopping and grabbing a snack sized portion for a snack over the next few days.

  3. great post Chris. I travel a lot so this was very helpful seeing actual food choices and how you can put meals together without having to do fancy cooking.

  4. Nice post Chris - I struggle with eating well on the road when travelling for work, particularly when flying (the food choices in airports and on planes are usually terrible). I typically pack a travel snack pack of bananas/apples and a ton of almonds to get me through.

    Sam B.


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