
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

"About", "Start Here", and "Resources" Pages

After two years+ of having this blog, I finally have an "About" page. Maybe it was the fact that Robb Wolf mentioned this blog in his article "Is Red Meat Part of a Healthy Diet?" that finally did it, but either way it was a small project I had been putting off for months. 

The "Start Here" page is a place for brand new folks to head to, especially if they aren't sure what the Paleo diet is or what CrossFit is all about. It's a listing of internal blog posts focusing on the basics. Blogs are nice to convey information, but not if you don't know where to start or how to search for it!

Finally, the "Resources" page is a comprehensive list of links and external sources of information.  I basically moved this from the side bar to a separate page.

now I just need a graphic to go up top instead of just the boring title...ideas are welcome!

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