

pre CrossFit and Paleo c. 2003 and then during CF and Paleo c. 2011

CrossFit Level I
USA Weightlifting
CrossFit Football
CrossFit Kids

Nutrition seminars:
Robb Wolf (Hoboken, NJ)
Whole9 (King of Prussia, PA)

465# PR deadlift, bw 150#

I am a coach at CrossFit King of Prussia, PA and since starting CrossFit in Jan. 2008, I've been interested in nutrition and the science behind it.  I see this blog as a medium for which normal, everyday people can learn about heavy, scientific ideas in an easy to access manner. I do not have any illusions that I am a Robb Wolf, Mark Sisson, or Chris Kresser when it comes to nutrition, nor a Charles PoliquinGreg Everett, or Greg Glassman when it comes to fitness. Even those folks I just mentioned differ from each other, but I like to learn from them and then pass that information on to you. I don't like to reinvent the wheel, but the more this information gets out, the more likely everyday folks will pick it up!

If there are any topics you'd like to see covered, there is a form on the right hand side to fill out anonymously. Otherwise, check out the "Start Here" page and then enjoy!

first (and probably last) marathon, 2010

I like to think I'm a big kid and the world is a playground

flying in the wind


  1. Chris

    Just wanted to leave you a quick note, thanking you for everthing you helped me with!

    I found your videos on YouTube for installing gymnastic rings and pull up bars at home, I followed them exactly and now I have am even better spot to do WOD's when I can't get into class. I was a little skeptical on the pull up bar at first, but I am blown away with how sturdy and great it turned out.

    Thanks again, wanted to let you know how great the videos were and I now look forward to following you on blogspot to find more great ideas, feedback and updates.

    Thanks again and if you ever come to Canada, let me know, you will always be welcome at

    1. Thanks Craig! Glad you got some good information from the videos and posts...just trying to pass along good information I got from others. You're always welcome at CF King of Prussia outside Philadelphia.
